Smithsonian national zoo

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today joined Chinese officials at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park to announce that two giant pandas, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, will remain at the zoo...
I work primarily right now on the channel islands, which are ta series of eight offshore items located between Point Conception and San Diego, so primarily off the coast of the Los Angeles and Santa...
זה קשה מאוד לבדוק את כל האירועים הקטעים האלו הם קטעים חלקיים של, מה שהם קוראים לו, "מידע" זה קשה לנו מאוד להגיד "זה נראה כמו צל של בנאדם, כמה נפלא זה" בסדר. לכן זה...
[ music ] nGen’s a not for profit. We’re Niagara Interactive Media Generator, and our goal is to build a cluster in interactive media in Niagara. Part of the reason nGen does exist is we are trying...
We had to reinvent ourselves, we looked for new revenue streams and new markets. They happened to be overseas, we had some in the Asian Middle East and we've done several in Europe. We also...
Hello, I am meteorologist Ryan Willis from the National Weather Service forecast office in Atlanta. We will be discussing the upcoming weeks weather forecast for north and central Georgia. Lets get...
Enter your workflow name. Add a new nested workflow. Give it a title and a number of iterations. Search the broker for the necessary components and add them to the workflow. Specify the IO linking...
PROFESSOR: What is the instantaneous speed? Well, speed is not sign-sensitive. Suppose that the velocity here-- just I call that v1-- suppose that was + 30 meters per second. I just grabbed this...
Nature with its great variety of species presents numerous perfect organisations. Offering optimum changes in strategy within seconds. Offering perfect end results from millions of options. The most...
WALTER LEWIN: If you look at the location t3 and t2 and I bring t3 closer and closer to t2, then this angle of alpha will increase. And I can go to the extreme that I bring t3 almost right at t2. The...