Everything should have a face on it

The experience that I got, positive thinking, empower me to live through. Hi, I'm back here again. I just finished watching a video about positive thinking and feeling very good. I can feel...
They say you killed two people in Livingston. They say you're a drug store robber. You know they already got a nickname for you? Southern Fried Pharmacy Firearm Thief. You like that? Got a...
I thought you were here having a drink you old fart. I sure am man, is everything alright? You look a bit upset my friend. Yeah, there are but I'm recently worried about my furnace because...
Hey man, how's it going? Good. Just hanging out. Cool, cool. So uh... can I ask you something kinda personal? Depends. Does it have anything to do with me? I wouldn't think so. Okay,...
Hello, very welcome! This is Marion, one of the workers of the last days. I'd like to read to you the following wonderful message, given to Benjamin Cousijnsen from Evangelical Eindtijdspace....
Cameroon is known as "Africa in Miniature" because of its geographical and cultural diversity. In a country the size of California, there are beaches, mountains, rainforests,...
Should I major in economics? Do you want to be an economist? No, I don’t, but there are other jobs for economics majors. Enlighten me, please. I could get a job at an economics or business magazine....
My boyfriend just stopped talking to me. What do I do? Is he getting better at listening to you over time? Or did he fall asleep? No, I don’t think he’s listening any better. I don’t know if he’s...