Dr. Jerry Blaivas>>> Well, to be honest, I have no idea what inspired me to become a doctor in the first place. By nature, I am a really passionate person, I like practically...
There are a lot of ideas that I'm passionate about. Um, and I spoke at the Institute about one I'm particularly passionate about, and that's empowering people and, in fact, to...
(Music) I want everyone to put their hands on top of their head. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put your hands on top of your head. Just relax. Just stay calm. Everything will be nice and smooth if you just...
now it's time for our daily update in the arts and culture department. good afternoon yoonhee. i hear you have more of a traditional piece for us today. that's right. so yesterday we...
ፍቅር በጎ ነገርን ማረግ ብቻ አይደልም። ፍቅር ሕግን ማክበር ብቻ አይደልም። ፍቅር ከመታገሥ እና ቸርነትንም ከማረግ መላይ ነው፤ እንደዛ ነው ሲራመድ እና ሲናገር፣ ነገር ግን ፍቅር ይሄ አይደልም። ፍቅር እጅግ ፍላጎት ነው። ጥያቄ ልጠይቃችሁ፥ ለእግዚአብሔር ፍቅር አላችሁ? እጅግ ትፈልጉታላችሁ? ለሱ እጅግ ምኞት...
Hello everyone. I prepared a short power point presentation. The theme I am going to cover today is the work of missionaries in China. Love is the only language understood by all. Let me brief you on...
The captain of a missing Malaysian jet is an engineering buff who assembled his own home flight simulator, while friends of the co-pilot have defended his reputation after one report portrayed him as...
The 2008 Clean & Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond was approved by 71.6% of San Francisco Voters which was resulted in 185 million dollars in capital improvements in our neighborhood parks,...