One of the more common Dynamic Elements used in ProcessBook is the Dynamic Value. And that is derived by selecting Draw and Value from the Menu. And, in this case, the cursor changes, lies in all the...



Hello, and welcome back to part 2 of our video series on turnkey website applications to help you get your online business up and running. Now I realize building a web site from scratch can sound...
I'm Ed Wagner, chief strategy officer at Experience is the community where candidates - college-educated students - who are looking for work and employers around the country...
This course is a practical introduction to jQuery for folks who are familiar with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'm assuming that this is not your first time behind the keyboard--...



MYFBCMS is the first true "Facebook CMS". (content management system) MYFBCMS will allow you to add static and dynamic content on facebook pages through an easy to use platform...
[music] Hey. Lorrie had a question about dynamic URL's and if they have SEO value. So, something that's not dynamic, obviously, it's spelled out, one that is a bunch of jargon...
A dynamic archive is different than a fixed archive. Dynamic archives are used -- well, they are generally used for exceptional things, not for day-to-day data collection. And, in fact, we not, we do...



We all know the back row. The seats closest to the exits. A refuge for minds that wander. Home of the unraised hand. What if there was no back row? What if we challenged every student to be at their...
Managing a lifetime of digital photos and videos can be a daunting task, but the SmugMug ORGANIZER makes it a breeze. UTILIZING FOLDERS Folders make it easy to organize your web site. Like the folders...
So, your Facebook page. Yes, definitely dynamic. It's built by Facebook servers and rendered in your browser. The logo. Not dynamic. It doesn't change very often....