At night time I awake This red is all I can take I comb these city streets In search of the hottest meat All this flesh sings blood songs to me Night time is the best time I'm hiding from the light of...



The answer is tricky. I'm going to use a variable n that I increment by 1 in this while loop over here. I'm using a flag called "found" that I initiated at False. As...



For more than 40 years, the twin crawler-transporters at NASA's Kennedy Space Center have slowly traveled the gravel track between the massive Vehicle Assembly Building and the two launch pads...
What I want to do is define a function, and let's call it n<u>ary,</u> and it takes (f), which should be a binary function, that is a function that takes exactly 2...



Here's the scenario I have in mind. We have three mixers. At each stage, we validate 1/5 of the votes, and we have to audit the last one. We don't have another mixer here. We need some...



Okay, we also had questions about various web frameworks. What exactly is a web framework, what makes something a web framework, and what are some of the other popular web frameworks for Python and...
In fact, I'd like you to modify this code a little bit more in a way that we have multiple measurements. Instead of Z, we're going to make a measurement vector called...
Here's my solution: So, I have my state--I just broke it up into pieces so that I know what I'm talking about. Then if I hold it becomes the other player's turn. The other...



Now, of course Python has a regular expression module called the "re module." If you really want to use regular expressions, you import re and get started. The point here is not so...



Now when you have a decision under uncertainty and there's an opponent, it's called game theory. If there's no opponent, it's usually called decision under uncertainty....

