Radio without barriers is how the One voice project is described. It's a supported service for people with disabilities. I had a brain injury when I was 12, I was riding my bike and I was hit...
This video covers creating an EndNote library Open EndNote The first time you open the software you will be prompted to set up an EndNote Web account You can set up an EndNote Web account from within...
Strathclyde if a partner university of IMU, and I've always wanted to experience studying abroad. [MUSIC] There was this opportunity where I can get to do a two plus two credit transfer...
>> Hi. Welcome back to our discussion with Professor Gail Hawkes. This is part three of the UNLV Sociology Department's video discussions. This is Professor Gail Hawkes, who has...
I work at Claphams. My name is Scott. I'm a litter picker. How did you come to get this job? Well i'd heard of Pure and they got in touch with Claphams and then i did a week for you....
RIVETT>>> My name is Susan Rivett, and I am the Senior Practitioner for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Buckinghamshire. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a self development...
My ultimate career goal is to work in the Public Relations industry. What I want to do is organising events, establish campaigns, or liaising with different sponsors. And Global Media Communications...
Willpower is crucial for success at self-control, things like sticking to a diet, quitting smoking, staying cool in a pressurized situation. The problem with willpower is that it's not a...
Hi guys, my name's Abim! I’m a Masters by Research student and I just wanted to give you an idea what a Masters by Research is about. Basically, you can either do it part time or full...
My name is Robbie Calderon and I work in Kris Niyogi’s Lab. I study how Photosystem II, which is one of the components of photosynthesis, as the name would implied, gets assembled from its...