This building is one of the only ones where you can see the original situation in a KGB Prison. After the Second World War, the KGB used it as a prison for thousands of people. In the first step,...
Germany is the greenest country in the world. Here was invented the separation of waste, the deposit bottle and the yellow bag. Germany is pioneer, when it comes to sustainable mobility. No, Not this...
Hello Aktion Gebärdensprache (Aktion Sign Language) I want to showing. My name is Lars. This is my wife Sibel. A lot of people know us. Other people not. No matter. We want talk a little about...



Hello, I'm Silvius von Kessel, the Organist and Choir Master here in Erfurt Cathedral. Erfurt is the capital of Thuringia, and Thuringia is also where Bach as been born. And a big part of his...
Hello, I'm Franjo Busic, Director of Academia Cravatica. And I'm standing here with my friend, Charlie Chaplin, because we are celebrating today Cravat Day. The 18th of October, and...
Hey there -- meet Joe. He's a SaskPower customer who's wondering why his power bill is so much. As far as he's concerned, he barely uses the stuff. The thing is, electricity...
Well, it's not pretty. Really not. It's sad, really sad. I don't know what to say. I don't know what's going on in peoples' heads. Can't say...
THE TRAIN Watch the first ride of the ETCS measuring vehicle. Amazing. I'm absolutely thrilled with its design. We'll spend a day with an angel. Now, we are waiting for Slovenská...
A lot of people don't realize that right here in Tampa Florida is the world's largest accredited sanctuary for big cats We have about 55 acres here that house all of our animals......
-I'm going to ask MJ to marry me. -A man has to put his wife before himself. Can you do that Peter? -Yeah, I think I can. We have some new information. This is your uncle's actual...