I'm 20 years old and from Bayreuth/Bavaria. In High School, for my Abitur, I majored in English and Chemistry and now I am enrolled in a dual study program with Bosch. Mechanical engineering...



Magistrate Building by TravelPod member tommcatt The Old Church by TravelPod member tommcatt St. MIchael's Gate, in the daytime by TravelPod member tommcatt The Old town hall by TravelPod...


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...



[Ciro sitzt im Zug, bestellt einen Kaffee. Christoph sitzt im Auto, wird angehupt.) [Ciro genießt den Kaffee. Christoph bremst abrupt und schüttet seinen Kaffee aus.] [Christoph hupt wütend. Ciro...



Dort wo sich Autoverkehr und Schienenfahrzeuge kreuzen, geschehen immer wieder Unfälle. Schienenfahrzeuge können nicht ausweichen. Im Notfall hilft nur bremsen. Oft kann dies den Unfall nur...
Make a difference Hello YouTube, I am Commentorio and I will watch your videos. When I reached 500 subscribers, a wise man told me that it really isn't about the numbers. It's about...
I usually stand close to the door so when it gets dangerous I can always get out. However, when there are many ticket inspectors at the exit upstairs ...it's tough to escape. But this...



At the Bahnhof (train station) by TravelPod member jamie_anneka Day after New Years - Remains of the fireworks by TravelPod member jamie_anneka Finding Nemo by TravelPod member jamie_anneka Fireworks...
My name is Andreas Ludwig, and I am Lord Mayor of Town of Bad Kreuznach, which is located in the Rhineland-Palatinate region. The town is very lovely, very urban, well situated in Rhine-Main region,...



Image Source: The BBC BY KERRY LEARY An historical discovery in Berlin led to an evacuation in a highly populated European city. An unexploded bomb from World War II was discovered near Berlin’s main...