Good afternoon. This is Mark Gruhn with Renze Seeds. This afternoon, we're going to show how even though a field that in the middle of August in 2012 a corn field can look bright green as...



The Family Office Cooperative. Family Offices moving East, setting up Cooperatives to Co-Invest. - Sharing resources & analysis. - Leverage of each others strengths & power. - Families...
This episode of TGTV was recorded live and on location at the poster session, or Information Fair, at APH’s 2013 Annual Meeting. Although it’s called the Information Fair, the task that I gave people...
[ music ] nGen’s a not for profit. We’re Niagara Interactive Media Generator, and our goal is to build a cluster in interactive media in Niagara. Part of the reason nGen does exist is we are trying...
We had to reinvent ourselves, we looked for new revenue streams and new markets. They happened to be overseas, we had some in the Asian Middle East and we've done several in Europe. We also...
Hello, I am meteorologist Ryan Willis from the National Weather Service forecast office in Atlanta. We will be discussing the upcoming weeks weather forecast for north and central Georgia. Lets get...
Included movie shows how to protect configurations access with the password 'Access options' button is placed in tab 'Device configuration' Here password can be set....
Q: What type of anaesthetic is used for an Areola Reduction? Adrian Richards: What type of anesthetic is used for an areola reduction? Well, you've got options. Many people, the vast majority,...
Working together with somebody in another location can be quite difficult. Even with all the communication technology currently available. You try to explain which chart should be changed in a report...
- All right, so I'll start by introducing myself: hello everybody, my name is Daniele Arena and I'm the CEO of FileRock. We want to bring complete security to cloud storage....