Do you have a great product or service but you're wondering how to price it? Or you're wondering why nobody's buying what you have to offer. Keep watching this video and...
My name is Evelyn Brent and this is my second year of attending classes at Osher which I think is fabulous. It certainly beats when I went to undergraduate and master's because here you have...
NASA's first IT Summit is fast approaching. From August 16-18, more than 900 people will gather at the Gaylord National Harbor in Maryland. I know you can't wait to have access to more...
The range of customer touch points through which United Airlines interacts with our customers on a worldwide basis every day continues to expand and continues to integrate personal, physical touch...
[Guy Ryder] The subject that we have chosen for the panel "Restoring confidence, jobs, growth and social progress" is an attempt to focus our attention this morning on that critical...
The forest means a lot to me. The Swedish forest is a natural resource, a financial resource. It has also been something that has contributed to the provision for my family for many hundreds of years....
>> DOUG: Our relationship with NYSERDA has been a very good one. They’ve been instrumental in helping us identify a number of energy reduction projects that we’ve been able to execute....
LARRY BRILLIANT: Good morning. Welcome, everyone. It's going to be hard to stop talking because it's a meeting of so many wonderful people and so many wonderful friends. My name is...



SDSU's College Extended Studies is at the forefront of delivering innovative and career-focused online learning programs and certificates for professionals. Welcome to the College of Extended...
And this guy is pretty interesting, and he says, "You know, John, most people today, they get stuck in one frame. They have one thing that they want to do. And what I'm finding...