Best Seafood North of Boston It's a fitting name for a Tavern and restaurant in Marblehead, MA. Cod are a staple New England marine fish, an icon often seen in gold, welcoming guests and...
My name is Michael Pittman. I'm a PhD student in UCL Earth Sciences. I study the evolution of the tail and how it works, its biomechanics, in dinosaurs. In 2008 me and a team of researchers...
On June 7, 1692, the Jamaican city of Port Royal, a notorious pirate haven, sank into its own harbor. This disaster (or blessing, depending on who you ask) was caused by liquefaction of the ground...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
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What we need for the baklava a couple of things we're actually going to setup up a little assembly line that how it's usually it's easiest to do this and all the different...
01 Bahariyya oasis, a little uninspirational by TravelPod member technotrekker 02 Trusty Landcruiser by TravelPod member technotrekker 03 The traditional way of Black Desert travel by TravelPod member...
Heading into the desert by TravelPod member mexiwi Dakhla Oasis by TravelPod member mexiwi Al-Qasr by TravelPod member mexiwi Al-Qasr by TravelPod member mexiwi Al-Qasr by TravelPod member mexiwi...
01 Península de Paracas by TravelPod member thymeoff 02 Cliff-top lookout by TravelPod member thymeoff 03 Desert pastel hues by TravelPod member thymeoff 04 Not a soul for miles by TravelPod member...
My name is Evelyn Brent and this is my second year of attending classes at Osher which I think is fabulous. It certainly beats when I went to undergraduate and master's because here you have...