Save the planet earth

PB Teen Going Green with PBTeen and Brandon Hi, I'm Brandon, and I'm a supporter of the Surfrider Foundation. It's so important to protect the environment because...
SAVE OUR PLANET… Studies highlight growing urgency of preserving biodiversity. A review of eight studies conducted by 30 scientists from Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, published in...
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Gandhi learned most of what he knew from the Suffragists. He subscribed to 3 different London newspapers so he could keep up with their actions 'cause they were such great strategists. They...
The Planet Earth Institute is an international NGO working for the scientific independence of Africa. Our belief is that advanced scientific expertise holds the key to long-term sustainable...
How to Teach Your Kids Amazing Earth Facts. The Earth is an incredible planet. Teaching your kids just how amazing it is may convince everyone in your household to go green. You will need Large sheet...
So the people, like Harriet Tubman, who ran the Underground Railroad, and who were conductors, were incredibly brave and effective given their numbers. But they knew that there was a limit to what...
Germany in particular produces a lot of the art and the literature of the Romantic Movement. There are reasons for that but we don't need to get into it. And out of this comes another social...
So you've heard of speed-dating? This is speed-revolution. First question: Is civilization a war against the living world? Next Question: Is that war a metaphor or is it real? Because right...
Not only can it be done but there are manuals that will tell you how. So for instance we have the U.S. Field Manual on Guerrilla Warfare. This was written by your tax dollars so you might as well read...