Jana: We're a family from South Africa that relocated to Philadelphia recently. Three of our kids turned out to be brain-injured. Kyna is our oldest daughter. She's five years old. She...
At his trial in 1964, Nelson Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I've cherished the...
Rumana Ahmed: All right. Good morning and welcome to the White House. Thank you all so much for joining. I know everyone had to come in through the snow and stand outside for hopefully not too long....
00:07 COMM: Eating grass may seem like an unorthodox way to show your devotion, but for members of the Rabboni Centre Ministry in Garankuwa, South Africa, grazing on greenery is a key part of their...
Today, with social media and a lot of role models, there's a lot more awareness that kids can do just about anything. We have an African-American president. There's an African-American...
My name is Charles Doxley. I work at the NASA Glenn Research Center for the avionics division. I'm an electronics engineer, and I work for the compatibility test sets project. I have a...