"Love again! Fierce fight <br>in the Wine Red Sea" Why do we have to be chased, huh!? How do I know? <br>Aren't they after Nichi and Sachi?...
Depuis des siècles, les Européens et les colons pêchent le béluga longtemps appelé « marsouin », à l'aide de filets et de harpons. 1928, sur le St-Laurent. Les bélugas sont maintenant...
Mysteries of vernacular: Window, an opening constructed in a wall to emit light or air. When the Scandinavian settlers invaded England in the Middle Ages, they brought with them a whole slew of words...
(Music) &quot;Stories from the Sea&quot; &quot;Fish Tale: My Secret Life as Plankton&quot; (Music) How did I get here? Well, it's a stranger story than you...
Basically the boat is in very good shape. There isn’t a big jobs list, though 3 or 4 days before the end of the race, we hit a whale. It was a big issue as we were doing 20 something knots at the...
Chrome notebooks get you on the web as quickly as possible by eliminating the extra baggage between you and the web. With regular computers, actually getting onto the web can feel like it takes...
This place is Point Hope and I’ve been living here for 22 years - that’s my whole life. We’re about 700 people, surrounded by the ocean that we eat off of - the ocean, the land in the summertime, the...
Lilou Productions présente : La Tournée Croustillante de Lilou. Drunvalo Melchizedek : les Reptiliens, les Extra et Intra-Terrestres. Sous-Titres par : Eric VanNucci Quelle est votre position sur les...