[music] Polyphenols are natural plant drive compounds that are typically rich in fruits and vegetables and their derived products such as wine. They are commonly associated with antioxidant benefits...
Discuss education, behaviour change and lifestyle modification with particular reference to strategies to facilitate change namely the Prochaska-DiClemente cycle and SMART goals Q: hands up... How...



I think the most important thing for folks is to understand their own health care needs. To really have a sense of what types of services they regularly use, that's going to help you decide on...



Top 10 Health Problems in America According to the Mayo Clinic, the top health problems in America vary slightly between men and women. Men are more likely to commit suicide, and it is the eighth most...
The masters programs in the School of Public Health are ideal for students who come mostly from a health background, either a clinical role, nursing, medicine etc or have done public health...



It was the idea of the group, that is was something that you didn’t talk about your problems, you just did things that make you laugh. They might be silly things, they might be good information you...
The masters programs in the School of Public Health are ideal for students who come mostly from a health background, either a clinical role, nursing, medicine etc or have done public health degrees,...



Learn How to Make Healthy and Nutritious Green Smoothies Nutritious green smoothies are in. They’re a well-rounded drink that are more and more beneficial for your health thanks to their nutritional...
On a daily basis you're looking around about 30 to 40 on the hi-hi day you might be up to 50 it really depends on how many people are in and out because it's kind of a rotating cycle....