
MITロムニーは本当に任務MITの他の種類を好きではないという証拠 彼は周りトローリングた間ロムニーは彼のお尻はゲイのベテランによって彼に手渡されました ニューハンプシャー州のサポートのために、これができなかったことを同性愛者の結婚給を廃止する これ以上皮肉な想像する彼はベトナムを与え歳今年の60代 ニューハンプシャー州のご主人と一緒に夕食にベテランあなたの出...
we're seeing the fallout all across mainstream media of the current sale to aljazeera and coming up bill reilly is an employee of fox issues contractually obligated to down on in some fashion...
uh... ok mit romney twenty-seven lies or you can call the main i think progress is calling the midst and thirty-eight minutes okay this is everything from i don't have a five trillion dollar...
%uh billboard camp response was pro bono was interrupted anchor making tallyho boxes as she was not happy about his talking points the settlers sensible is a personal but late today about a camper...