over the years we've talked about the elisabeth hasselbeck quite a bit if you're not familiar with elizabeth hasselbeck she is the loan well actually not really that always the loan...
recently president bomb a and al gore have both come out the aggressively against foxes rush limbaugh and say but there have forcing republican politicians to be more more extreme has appointed seems...
so well let's let this sad tale of have at it oh by the way of course she's in the city of Fox news channel so there'll be no fall citizens' lives in what she wants so...
%uh billboard camp response was pro bono was interrupted anchor making tallyho boxes as she was not happy about his talking points the settlers sensible is a personal but late today about a camper...
the roger ailes beginning it is left on it will uh... over the last couple weeks because they're celebrating by the fiftieth anniversary of fox news channel and he wants to go and tell the...