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( singing ) Yahoo! SEN. SCHUMER: Today, we're here to celebrate the opening of Yahoo's Data Center. Now, is this a great day for Lockport and Western New York, or what? ( applause )...
one million darker are like a lot talking about your financial future out those figures become applet all of your sleep caught at uh... i'd like to start uh... by posing a problem for you and...
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I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a...
Scott Thompson knows his way around a grill... and not just any grill a Mongolian grill as a ‘natural born griller’ Scott plays an intricate part in the complicated system that is the marquis feature...



When I got my - after college, I got a job and I was working with a few friends of mine in Boston as a software engineer. So, I am a programmer by training and I got a job at a company in Boston...



[applause] >> Liz Luckett: I really enjoyed Amanda's talk. I came from a world quite similar and I left before Big Data got to be anything anyone had heard of so it was very, it...



So I'm here with Vivek Kundra, he's here in Australia touring around and talking to a lot of people and I just thought I'd take the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions...



(Image Source: iPhone Hacks)  BY MICHELLE SCHUELKE Yahoo! has said recently it’s focusing its efforts on the mobile space, and it’s not wasting any time. On Thursday the company launched new weather...



Working From Home you know what i just one of the to share this with because i think about that ad that was playing with the kids outside uh... what are a couple of the advantages from working from...

