generally has a new book coming out but but what i will work on straight honest with you said back in twenty ten and it's getting a lot of publicity now inc because her new book is coming out...
interesting news uh... here it is I am out at MSNBC now whose decision was this well it was both of our decisions I will explain okay in turn not at the same time so when I first came in to MSNBC they...
back in december of at twenty eleven anonymous hacked into the email accounts first rack for which is basically a private intelligence for and now we can only is slowly but surely releasing some of...
the prosecution of bradley many continues uh... his court marshal is of course proceeding in june uh... they will be going to court today bradley many did something very unusual did what is called the...
so tricia paid assassin new timber that we spoke about earlier this week has a video response ass after we criticize for support for mit romney now we want to mock receipt you guys can support whoever...