This video is covering TAPE mode on the OP-1. To record something to tape press the Tape key. Play on the musical keyboard and set the input gain with the ORANGE encoder. Now hold Record and start...



This video is covering the SKETCH sequencer on the OP-1. To access SKETCH hold SHIFT and press the SEQUENCER key. Select SKETCH from the list and press SEQUENCER again to engage it. Using the BLUE and...



we've all heard about the Koch brothers and there's a really really funny story going on with the Koch brothers and a different set of brothers who were democratic donors I'm...



Hi, my name's Lee Perkins. I'm a physical therapist and founder of Today I'm going to talk about Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries and why you should...



>> Dr. Lamperti: This is Seattle facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Lamperti. Today I'm going to show you how to perform a cephalic trim of the lower lateral cartilages in order...
>> Dr. Lamperti: Hello my name is Dr. Thomas Lamperti and I’m a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Seattle area. I’m here today to talk a little bit about the dressing...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qj\lang9\f0\fs28 I'm Paula Moore...
Aggressive driving can lead to time in prison Drivers, especially those in Seoul, are probably familiar with road rage and aggressive driving. However, those aggressive drivers who try to take revenge...
You'll need two colors of duct tape. An x-acto knife. A press stud or Velcro. A pair of scissors. A ruler. A zip log bag and a cutting sheet. And a credit card. Cut 8 strips of duct tape about...
You'll need transfer paper, crease free fabric, crafting foam, scissors, an iron and a printer. First make a test print, to make sure all the colors are working. Now make a print on transfer...