If you're gonna break his heart could you break it gently please 'Cause he is all you've got and you are all he needs and If you're going to throw it all, then throw it to the water Tell me, tell me...



nepal has got much more progressive when it comes to their laws regarding transgendered individuals in fact there now issuing uh... citizenship certificates that will list affair and gender as opposed...
እኔ ኢንተርኔትን በብዛት እየተጠቀምኩኝ አላደኩም፤ የድሮ ሰው ነኝ። ቴክኖሎጂ ጥቅም እንዳለው እገምታለው ነገር ግን በቅርብ እንደጻፍኩት፥ ልቤን ይወጋኛል ወጣቶች በኢንተርኔት በላይ ሲዋጉ ስለ ትናንች ልዩዩነት በሐይማንቶ ትምህርት ላይ በሚገኘው… እራሳቸውም ለበቂ ጊዜ አልኖሩም እና ከኑሮም አልተማሩም ስለ...
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