Matteo Pistono, autor de "In the shadow of the Buddha", nos trae la historia de la vida de uno de los místicos más grandes del Tíbet. El desarrollo inicial espiritual de Terton...
Hay mujeres que vienen a nosotras con una pregunta muy interesante, ¿cómo colocar en balance , cómo armonizar dos partes de ellas mismas? Una parte que quiere ser exitosa y lo es realmente. Por...
Cada personalidad, cada mujer es una individualidad muy especial. Esta individualidad es creada por Dios, por el Universo, por ángeles, o como queramos llamarlo. Pero existen muchos programas...
If we are going to discuss spirituality at this point, in this particular class, I feel very nervous myself and so should you, that we are not making mutual, building mutual deceptions between each...
CTR: This world does need your help so badly, very badly. So on behalf of this world, [laughter] I would like to request you to come and do something about it. >> Pema Chödrön: He said,...
What made you commit to, you know, about three years of your life to him? What held you to him? Well it wasn't me committing. That sounds like I made some generous offer; you know I...
We had this conversation way back in ’72, I think, in San Francisco. We were comparing our itineraries and I said, “Don’t you get tired of constantly going around? I’m getting a little tired of...
>> Reader: "Although I live in the slime and muck of the dark age.... Although I stumble in the thick black fog of materialism...." "... The tradition of...
Before the accident Trungpa Rinpoche had spoken about the dilemma that he felt. The term he used was, "The Golden Buddha on the Pedestal". The main point is to be able to teach fully...
SHEDRA SHEDRA. Surmang's Monastic College (sound of bells) (sound of bells, horses, and Tibetan voices) (sound of bells and horses hooves) (sound of Tibetan horns) (sound of horns and cymbals)...