When I'm painting I work on about a dozen to sixteen paintings over a year and I do a little bit of each, each day and turn them away. And over twelve months or a year or sixteen months they...



Alright, now we're going to make some fun pieces here. And this is, this is something that I learned from my professor and it's just fun to make and it gives a great, they give a great...



- Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! - Are you all right Nawal? Same dream again? - Same dream and same fate! What shall I do Sofia? Shall I spend the rest of my life awake, so that I wonít die in my dreams? - Did...
YELLOWCiNEMA.COM Jesus is in agony until the end of the world. I'm sorry, Mr. Kline, for this deeply unpleasant arrangement. I apologize. I have a fear of being contaminated by all sorts of...
לספר לנו אה ... ריק איך עשו לך אה ... יש לי רעיון עצלן שונה לגמרי מכל מה אה ... אנחנו בדרך כלל רואים רק העוקב שלה הרעיון המקורי היה של האם לפני באופן זה לא יהיה המסורתית הנרטיב אני מניח שאנחנו זה היה...
CRIZA Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org Traducerea: Dappon (alfiaro@yahoo.com) {y:i}Oraşul e aşa de mic! {y:i}Poţi să-ţi scalzi picioarele în apa râului {y:i}care adoarme liniştit în...