Phil: it's ok, we have enough material Chris: why am i looking in that direction? Phil: no, thats not good Phil: it looks stupid if you enter like this, and then you turn to stand straight...
Hi, I'm Jared, welcome to "Fun Science Demos". The big idea today is water. I know it doesn't sound too exciting but really, water's pretty amazing....



Dr. Alejandro Malbrán - MN 57109 Hello! I am Alejandro Malbrán immunologist specialized in adults and I am Sebastián Corbat’s doctor. The Corbat family has a disease called X-linked...
The MK 48 is the first light machine gun you unlock in Black Ops 2 as soon as you unlock create a class. It has the longest range out of all the light machine gun only requiring three hits to kill in...
Welcome to Soundview's summary in brief of Engaged: Outbehave Your Competition to Create Customers for Life written by Gregg Lederman. Lederman is the founder and CEO of Brand Integrity, an...
Being successful in the internet is the dream of 9/10 young people around the internet. I would say it’s the dream of 10/10 people, who make videos of all kind. Yes, and now you’ll meet the mystery...
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"Canal F" And then everybody okay? I am Joe Penna, "MysteryGuitarMan" Internet business and on Sunday I'll be debuting a new framework within Fantastic!...



Sunset from our balcony by TravelPod member zimbokid Sunset from our balcony - Anzac Bridge by TravelPod member zimbokid The Maritime Museum boats by TravelPod member zimbokid The monorail by...



00:01 There are a lot of diseases in our age 00:03 that we just don't know 00:05 what makes them come about. 00:07 Some of these we have had 00:08 for just a few years, 00:10 Some we have had...

