成為未雨綢繆的供應者 羅拔‧海爾斯長老 若要以未雨綢繆的方式供應 我們必須實踐 未雨綢繆的生活原則 樂於量入為出 對所擁有的一切感到知足 避免過多的債務 並努力儲蓄 為將來的不時之需作準備 容我分享一些教訓 幫助我們大家過 未雨綢繆的生活 當我們新婚時 我在空軍服役 所以兩人無法共度聖誕節 當我回家時 看到商店櫥窗裡 有一件漂亮的洋裝 我告訴內人如果她喜歡 我們就把它買下來 瑪莉進入試衣間 過了一...



開了100英里的車程 這些時間足夠整理我的思緒 想想如何轉化到我的畫作中 這段車程中 幾乎沒遇到什麼雨 但是…這實在是太美了 我不知道待會兒到達畫室時 我會在那裡待多長的時間 但那是個好地方 我想你會很喜歡那個地方 如果作畫的過程是在於 如何呈現我個人所做的決定 或是透過我的創作 進而帶給你任何的感覺 週遭環境有太多錯誤的觀念 甚至我本身的錯誤 都會影響到別人 我發現要當一個 創作畫家並不容易 我...



婚姻對於我們在福音中 所知道及理解的每件事 都是非常重要且基本的 我們進入永恆或高榮婚姻 並且知道我們的家庭 最終能夠永遠在一起 在許多座聖殿中, 屋內兩邊都掛著鏡子 如果你站在兩面鏡子之間 會照出一條擁有多重影像的長廊 並且一直延伸到你看得到的地方 而這也讓你彷彿有望向永恆的感覺 鏡子內無窮的雙重映射效果 是後期聖徒神學中 婚姻能超越世代 成為永恆的一種榮耀表現 而永恆不論是過去或者未來 以一種...



As best as I can remember my beginning with the Mormon church began in August of 2003 when my mom and I moved into a duplex where I discovered our neighbors were Mormons. I had come to Christ about 3...
I tend to use McConkie quite a bit, mainly because he was considered a theologian in Mormon circles He was a Mormon apostle, he wrote several books on Mormonism He as considered an expert when it came...
Since the announcement of the age change by President Monson a year ago, the response has been absolutely remarkable. At the time there were about 58,000 missionaries in the field. Right now there are...
Temples are now more accessible than ever. Inscribed on each temple are the words holiness to the Lord. The temple is the House of the Lord, the basis for every temple ordinance and covenant, the...
When the temple lights went out and they went under construction, something in our community kind of died. It kind of felt like something was missing. Laie was once a plantation. The immigrants came...
You are a Mormon. Why do you build temples? That's easy. We do it because it allows us to take out sacred ordinances like they did in times of old. What are these ordinances? First we get to...
Have you ever been confused by the difference between reservations and events in the calendar? Although members may use the terms interchangeably, events and reservations actually mean different...