[Chorus:] Stare at the moon, stare at the moon, moonlight Flying, wicked moon [Verse 1:] I look to the moon, the sun of the night The stars now have landed But there's evil in flight The screams in my...
[Verse 1: Kool A.D] Yeah, anything every pretty penny Bring another pretty penny But a penny's still a penny Swing low, sweet anything Sweet everything, never a feathered friend Meaning that I never...
[Verse 1:] I was having nightmares that I would never reach the finish line If pain is momentary I would never see the end of mine 'Til I realized that these bitches can't touch me Like I'm a million...
[Hook:] (Drop it if you on it, if you on it, you on it like) We on it, yeah yeah we on it like (Drop it if you on it, if you on it, you on it like) We on it, yeah yeah we on it like (Drop it if you on...
[Intro:] Thriller than the thrillest Fuck that bitch the realest Middle fingers up, It's like motherfuck your feelings I said thriller than the thrillest Fuck that bitch the realest [Verse 1:] Ok I'm...
[Verse 1:] Found you in the summer time Your heart play drums up under mine And I'm hunted by your silhouette And can taste your skin on my fingertips I found you, I had you, let you walk away Now I...
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This is Chengdu station. As usual there are many people. Traffic rules is equal to nothing. I will not be able to cross a road if slow. I have to carry out a forcible breakthrough. Previously, I could...



membro multaj monatoj kiam andrew juna diris Haley atingis iun politikaj malliberuloj en Usono per tio savi cxiujn ne en la kunigita statoj de america la steloj kaj strioj kaj ĉiuj tiuj kio proponon...
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