Que pensarán de nosotros en Japón-pon Debe ser bueno Lo que piensan en Japón-pon Ricky la pegó con el chiqui-bon-bon Y hasta en Hong-Kong se escucha reggaetón-ton (Estúpido, Hong-Kong es en China!)...
Hi guys This is my introduction vlog of "The japanese experience" I am making this because I wanted to show my relation to japan, so let me introduce myself. I am Maru Exposito and I...
Esto es como mi... plataforma de lanzamiento. Camino a Japón. Tres días: Volar, aterrizar, alivio del tsunami. Día siguiente: Registro. Tercer día: DJ, foro. Japón es muy estimulante. Gracias. En los...
So what you're saying is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS! [music] Ok so this WTF is a very special edition. For those of you who don't know, we visited Japan on the weekend, [oh...
¡Hola y bienvenidos a Pops in Seoul! ¡Soy su VJ Lim, y estoy aquí para presentarles lo último y lo mejor de la música K-pop! Big Bang, uno de los mejores grupos masculinos de la industria, van a...
According to my uncle, when he asked his grandparents 'Why am I caaled Japan?' They said 'Well, it's because some Japanese settled down here in Coria...' The...



We'd done our support tour, and then Mel Bush came to us. He was a pretty top promoter at the time who had already done the Mott tour. And he said, "l think you guys can headline the...
kim jong and of course a new leader of north korea uh... and in his first year in charge of this father passed away is on to long-range rocket launchers and now i a nuclear tests and what you think...
I was born in Cameroon, I grew up in France I have worked in Australia, an today, my activity is based in Japan. When I arrived in Japan 5 years ago, I got no cultural shock. I quickly mixed with the...