Grandma glasses

Announcer: jallen285 I think I might have the flu. I hope not. But, it seems that might be the case. I left work early today, actually When I got home. I was looking through my Youtube messages...
Today on Drinks with Diablo Prepare to get euthanized, Cause we're doing the Kevorkian shot. Alright, welcome back to Drinks with Diablo And what we've got for you today, the Kevorkian...



Good morning I'd like to tell you how happy I've been with the hearing aids I obtained from silver state my youngest siblings and even my oldest son have them for several years now...
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(Intro Music) Hi this is James Gardiner the CineTechGeek and today I have a special presentation. I have put together a whole sequence of videos on accessibility in cinema. I want to start it off with...
That reminds me of that time my grandma rode a motorcycle That wasn't my grandma, I just wanted a cheap laugh to start off the show I'm just being honest Hello and welcome to the...