Hi, I’m Eric If you’re like me, over the years, you’ve started puttin’ it on… and on. But the last thing I want, is to end up with diabetes, cancer or heart disease. I’ve got too much to live for. So...



Eu hoje quero é festa, diversão é Natal... E vocês, sentadas no chão Toca a levantar e a dançar Don't stop me now Don't stop me Nós queremos é festa festa como esta Todos os dias no...



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don't stop the music don't stop the music ~Don't Stop the Music~ Made By didiao don't stop the music tonight! let's go to the rhythm let's go to the...
Yo Here we are once again JYP 2PM Stronger than ever This is Nickhun Wooyoung Junho Junsu right here Chansung and this is Taec and we’re 2PM, and we’re never going down mohm eh sangcheoga hana dul...
Indonesia mari kita sambut FATIN SHIDQIA LUBIS dan NOVITA DEWI MARPAUNG Don't Stop believing Just a small town girl Livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin'...
At front of Caves de Sarragan by TravelPod member shawhans River rock vineyards by TravelPod member shawhans Chateau d' Estoublon by TravelPod member shawhans Les Baux hill terrain by...
Our episode on Tools of the Craft is almost over, but I still have one more thing to share with you. It’s a very short video I made a while back called “Stop it! Don’t Drop It!” and it has sketches...



Just an electrophile In an aprotic solvent She took her halogen everywhere Just a lonely nuc Livin in a lab-like world He took a lot o’ electrons everywhere The LG on a reactive carbon That’s gonna...



All the day I was angry Wait, wait, I’m searching. Wait, wait, I’m searching. What happened to you and what happened to me? Enough - I understand and I catch Enough - I understand and I catch the...

