Comic sans valentines

[Hip music playing, she totally seems cool] Yay. Sebastian: Hi. Veronique: Hello. Welcome to the Save and Spawn Fertility Clinic. Would you like to hear about our national breast enhancement program?...
The 3rd Graphic Edition Congress is made out of voices Is made out of ideas. November the 3rd: Max's opening exhibition, one of Spain's most important illustrators and comic authors on...
I hope you are thinking about Rock because today's look is about that! A blue toned makeup that can be the right choice for a music concert The main character of this video will be the Bag...
Hi I'm sitting in my captain's chair And I've got Tristine Rainer's The New Diary to review today The New Diary isn't a book about How to keep a journal with a...
Hello, lady's and gentleman, chairmen. Today, in the name of the Shinra Cooperation, I want to present you our newest smartphone The "Shinra Phone One" It has some new apps...
Show me how to lie, youre getting better all the time And turning all against the one is an art thats hard to teach Another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd And as you step back in the line a...
Welcome to the UWS Library video on how to search for a book using the Library Search Box. Go to the Library Search Box. This is where you will start your search for a book. Here is your citation. You...
Before we begin, SPOILER WARNING- though apparently you enjoy stories more if you already know what happens in them (link in the description), but fair warning all the same. Today we will be...
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I ever tell you about Trevor? Major drug dealer real hill-billy type shit Bring me my coffee or I'm gonna cut your arm off Back in town, baby. Yeah! Please, just go and ruin somebody...