MORGAN: And here in our audience a man who says the court shouldn't make marriage policy for the country. Ryan Anderson is the author of "What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense."  Ryan,...
It was more than two months ago that President Obama said this: OBAMA: “It is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married.” And now, The...
So we've all spent a day listening to these conversations about people who are going to revolutionize things, and they've got revolutionary technology, and revolutionary ways to build...
When we're talking about gay marriage, we're not talking about an immutable characteristic, like the color of your skin. OK? The human genome map was completed in 2003. There is no gay...
The push is on. With the Supreme Court Hearings last week on homosexual unions—and Obama's own endorsement—Jews are at the forefront in promoting 'gay' marriage. Jewish...
Michele Bachmann, by the way, really bizarre gay marriage gaff. She was giving a speech in Iowa, I don't know if you heard about this, and she said, here's a quote, "In 5000...
d_c_ comics has decided not to choose abortion scott card other famous author of enters games as well as many other books to write the first chapter at least of their adventures of superman digital...