Choosing the right fold can be a bit confusing. Consider the message you're trying to convey and the journey your reader will take through your piece. At PrintPlace, we have folding options...
The Quartet Workstation Privacy Screen, the ultimate Do Not Disturb Sign. Minimize interruptions, increase concentration. The #1 complaint among people working in cubicles is a lack of privacy. Often,...
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(piano playing) Lauren: We're standing here in front of a folding screen from Mexico made about 1700. Steven: This is just wild. This is one of the most complicated objects I have ever looked...
GEORGE ENGLE: On behalf of Expert Village, my name is George Engle with Mr. Fix-It Handyman, Inc., here in Miami, Florida, and today I'm going to be showing you how to install a bi-fold door....



Hey guys, it's Megan over at Rokform. I'm here today to demonstrate our desktop stand for iPhone 5, iPhone 4, 4S, and our folding stand for iPhone iPhone 4, 4S. All of our stands are...
JOHNNY VULKAN: Mobile has become one of the hot topics for most of our clients in the last few months, and certainly they're very keen to work out how brands can advertise within a mobile...
i've been talking about how are the best way to go after a bronco bombers to go out for from the left ally carrefour junior who thinks you know what these democrats are just too liberal anyway...
Hello and welcome to another New York Habitat vacation rental video tour. Our tour today takes us to a one bedroom apartment located on the Ile Saint-Louis. This beautiful island neighborhood in the...