Do I Require an Eyelid Surgery? Which Surgery Can Give a Look of Bigger Eyes? The eyelid is covered by skin. What can be done to correct this? Thank you for your question! You submitted a very simple...
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[music] Hello I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV Regardless of your age, there are three essential skincare products that everybody should use every day: a sunscreen,...
Marcelo, z czego jesteś niezadowolona? Z moich małych piersi i dużych ud. Przede wszystkim chciałabym zwiększyć objętość piersi. -- Kiedy zaczęłaś się tym przejmować? -- Wcześnie, kiedy miałam około...



-A hiper-hidroses é a sudoração excessiva que supera a quantidade de suor que necessitamos para esfriar o organismo. Assim, quando se aumenta muito a temperatura nosso corpo começa a suar, e a...



Welcome back, looking your best this summer is no sweat thanks to the latest advancements in skin care treatments. Dr. Patrick Carney of the Skin Speaks Spa MD is here with more on some non-invasive...
[ Background music ] >> Kathy M. Auchey: The Margaret Moul Home has managed to have a five star rating for the last five years. Today, we have eighty two residents, three units, and a...
Today we are going to be doing the ultracavitation and radio frequency for you and we’re also going to do some lymphatic massage. It should be somewhat relaxing. You’ll have some warming sensation...