Mi chiamo Ben Saunders e sono un esploratore polare. Guido spedizioni da oltre un decennio e sto per intraprendere la spedizione più ambiziosa della mia carriera. È un progetto di grande importanza...



DERIVA CONTINENTAL Teoría del desplazamiento de los continentes Esta es la primera fotografía de nuestro planeta tomada desde la Luna durante la misión del Apolo 8 en la navidad de 1968. Se la conoce...



Good day. What would you like? Coffee. No, a vermouth. No, a cognac. Here you are. Another. Check. Two cognacs... that's 1.65, please. Thank you very much. Number 24: Beckert. Doesn't...
This is a dropstone. It’s a rock fragment that I found in the very first sediment core sample I ever analysed. It was drilled to the west of Spitsbergen and a sediment core sample usually consists of...
Hello Mickael. Hello Ron Good morning to you if you are just arrived on the Channel now the current events. First of all, we are going to speak about Antarctica there that i was rose brands television...
Good morning, dear ladies and gentlemen welcome to our balloon-project! Sponsored by Buerkert! We are a group of four teenagers and one adult, Sponsored by Buerkert! who want to lift a wheatherballoon...
Music. Davy Kirkpatrick: Astronomers are interested not only in the bright stars in our neighborhood which are easily seen here around the sun, but also the small, dim objects we can't readily...
Welcome back to week four wherein we are going to talk more about the internal processes that are happening in the earth and in particular what we are going to talk about now is some of the evidence...
Abandoned bottles in a pond. What's a pond to a creek? What's a creek to an ocean? What's an ocean filled with plastic? Because no one's... ...recycling. Make our city...
The weather on planet Earth is constantly changing. By observing the weather in a certain place over a longer period of time, we find out the climate of that particular region. The climate on Earth is...