Hi! This is Stephen from iloveweightloss.co.uk. Today, we’ll answer a question that actually was posted on the Facebook wall, which was how do we train and how do we eat? So what I thought I’d do is...
So now the next movement that we are moving on to is called the Chaplin. What you are going to do is again this is going to be lower body stuff with a mixture of lower body and arms. So I want you to...
If that is the limit of my potential , when I give 100 % FOR MYSELF Then I am satisfied , I don't need to compare myself to someone else and I think that we should consider that when talking...
Workout Aphrodite: 50 Burpees, 50 Squats, 50 Situps 40 30 20 10 What i recognized is that your feeds are splayfoot. It is important to stand prallel, because otherwise your muscle chain is not...
mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.textPK Configurations2/statusbar/PK Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml Configurations2/floater/PK Configurations2/popupmenu/PK...
Everyday I say to myself YEAH ! because most around me are pessimists Stay away from me with your negativity ! Anything is possible you just have to sweat every day believe daily, hustle daily ,...
You guys think body exercises can’t be though, you’re gonna see this week and out the next that it can be real tough. [pause] Hey guys, Jeff Cavaliere, Athleanx.com. You know we talk about bodyweight...