3 Deutsche unterwegs mit einem 1971er VW by TravelPod member seeyou2011 Wüste Nevadas by TravelPod member seeyou2011 Weit... by TravelPod member seeyou2011 ...und breit... by TravelPod member...



Uli Hoeneß ist ja ein Mensch, mit dem kann man schon mal Streit haben. Er ist ein sehr emotionaler Mensch. Und wenn zwei emotionale Typen sich treffen... dann kann es zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen...



Ich finde, dass Mehmet Scholl die humorvollsten Sprueche über sie ins Leben gerufen hat. Kennen Sie zum Beispiel die Geschichte? Er ist mal gefragt worden wovor er Angst haette. Er hat gesagt:...
In today's episode I present to you a few sayings I have recently heard in the DJ booth. What about Classics? Wolfgang Petry or something like that. Hey, I lost my buddy. can you call for him?...



Welcome to the 7 most extreme disgusting moments. 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 A women - a horse ehh.. what is she going to do now?. At this...



The pain was terrible, especially in my arms. One arm was gone and one leg was completely burned. 20 years ago, I had only 3% vision. You don't have any hope as a handicapped person. What I...
Also meet, you do not believe at all what one experiences everything so away. This morning, I still run for my conditions in the direction of the town in the middle of the night there and pass a kind...
hi in this video you'll see many different types of phone records there are phone records available for home use now whether you need to record your home phone office phone or cell phone there...
I'm working in the worship-business since over 13 years, whether at the studio or on stage so I feel very connected to this event "givePRAISE" I'm a person who likes...
Pep: Hamburg are a traditional team in Germany. They are no small team. They are a big club in this country. Pep: We won't win a title tonight, but we could lose one. Pep: Hamburg's...