Announcer: jallen285 I think I might have the flu. I hope not. But, it seems that might be the case. I left work early today, actually When I got home. I was looking through my Youtube messages...
You can go I don't want to meet Pep yeah He's a jerk I heard what you told him in the bar Pep is that way he would never change how fucked up I would love to come back to Barcelona...
We were expecting people to say, oh we don't like it... we don't want to see it, but that almost never happens on the contrary, we often get comments from people that say usually I...
I’m Dinesh Bhat. I’m a senior technical lead for HR and benefits applications in ITG When an employee or the manager or department preparer, anybody has an issue with an employee record, I am the...
JENNY ("It was a dream") Affair. Jenny's father, count Van Bergen, does not like to see his daughter in the company of the young baron Burg. Count van Bergen has decided to...
marvyn wilson a fifty four-year-old death row inmate has been put to death in texas the controversy is that many say that wilson has an i_q_ of sixty one which technically makes them a mentally...
Sir Thomas was to return in November, and his eldest son had duties to call him earlier home. The approach of September brought tidings of Mr. Bertram, first in a letter to the gamekeeper and then in...