Hello. I'm Adam Stone from New York, just moved here. And I'm a kindergarten teacher I thought I'd explain a little about my experience growing up. I'm Deaf, and was...
Hello, Iím House Democratic Leader Craig Fitzhugh. Tonight, Governor Bill Haslam delivered his fourth State of the State Speech. While Democrats remain committed to working with the Governor where we...
is where you are lower than the mother fuckers sOooo showed back track yeah your I mmm top you give up yet I yeah FUCK YEAH! are hey there up up was Burke work world balloon forking should you...
We are out here is today for the Big Gay Race. We've got 6,000 happy smiling warriors out there on Main Street - all different walks of people, all different kinds - from all over the state...
The violence continues in Syria as army forces loyal to President Bashar Assad and rebel forces continue to fight. Both sides blame the other for the destruction of a 2,000 year old synagogue in the...



court workers the bearer of newark new jersey uh... he goes home and uh... he sees that his neighbors houses on fire that you are seeing what's going on here that's not enough but is a...
Dear Russia My heart and all my hope goes out to you. You are valued, you have worth and you have a right to love and safety, but hopefully you know all that already! Your issue, if I may be so bold,...