What are you worried about

Hi. I'm Amy, and I'm going to talk to you about visiting the Doctor. It won't take long, and I'm not going to make it a massive lecture. Firstly, going to the doctor...
Ben Wizner: Not a lot of applause for us. Chris Saghoian: I know. Ben Wizner: Are they ready? Chris Saghoian: I think so. Ben Wizner: Ok, I think we'll get started. Thank you all so much for...
Subtitles by DramaFever Guess where it is. Bet your money! Try guessing! This one! Let's see. I'm sorry. It's right here! Oh no! Bet your money! You don't get the...
Last week, I blogged about Christian Post writer Matt Moore, a self-described "redeemed sinner" who posted an open letter to gay youth proclaiming that Jesus would save them from a...
Sung by a folk song singer 'Jang Sa Ik', 장사익, Korea Broadcasting System, 한국방송, The concert celebrated the fifty years of detaching the koreans to germany, 파독50주년기념공연 Mom,...
>> Maxster in Mexico says "Site hacks have been on the rise" – which I agree with – "especially on CMS platforms like Joomla and WordPress. If our site was...
Subtitles by DramaFever When I first came here, I wanted to help others with my ability. In order to help them, I had to reveal that I was different. Anyone out there? Help me! Help me! Please help...