My name is Matt Voelker, I am the head brewer at Argus Brewery in Chicago. I first saw Matt in November of 2012. He accidentally got stabbed with a box cutter at work. He had a pretty significant...
Kitty! Kitty! - Hello! - Hi... -What are you doing? - I'm playing... - Do you like this doll? -Yes, her name is Elizabeth... ... she's beautiful... Do you think I could do her hair a...
My boyfriend is being a jerk! What should I do? If you were not already involved, I would say to not date a jerk. But what makes a guy a jerk, instead of a douche bag or a man-child or selfish...
Sir Thomas was to return in November, and his eldest son had duties to call him earlier home. The approach of September brought tidings of Mr. Bertram, first in a letter to the gamekeeper and then in...
>>Paul Bloom: I want to talk about a certain way of thinking about pleasure and then I want to suggest that this could help us understand a problem in everyday life, a problem that I...
Hi, my name is Josh Kallenberg and I'm here at the Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles, California. I've been flying professionally for about 13 years, and now I have the pleasure of...
Hi guys, today we're going to be working on this yellow and black bumblebee inspired water marble. And i'm going to be using a ton of yellow, and just a little bit of black for this...