Hi, This is Sharon Ballantine, and I teach people how to apply the Universal Law of Attraction. What is your passion? The age-old question that many of us have asked ourselves comes to mind,...
Balanced View is available to everyone, stated again. All it requires is our one hundred percent commitment to The Four Mainstays, the practice of short moments, the trainer, the training and the...
is poisoning the astronauts with every breath in and out. - Heads up. Heads up. - [ TV Continues ] - Oh ! Go, go, go, go ! - Someone get that. Damn. Heads up, people. Look out now. - What's...
A few years ago, I was in conversation with Norman Cousins. He was basically responsible for the science called, "Psycho Neuro Immunology" about cancer. Cancer patients were given a...
All right, in our last step what we did is we used a dental paddle to go ahead and push that clear glass toward the mandrel. What you're going to do in this step is heat the entire bead, the...
Hypnosis is a method by which we can alter our state of awareness, allowing us to focus upon issues or ideas of our choosing. Hypnosis is a tool, which we can utilize to enhance or enable whatever we...
How to Slow Down Your Thought Process. More than 90% of thoughts in the human mind are repetitive. We all think about the same things over and over again, day in and day out. The more often a...
Another behaviorist, B. F. Skinner, extended Watson’s ideas about human development by developing the operant conditioning theory which states that the frequency of behavior can be increased or...
Hi! On behalf of Expert Village, I'm Gnobo A. Calypso, known as Bryce, and I'm here to tell you about mystical numerology. I'm now going to speak to you about another very...