The new refrigerator by TravelPod member sweetiebarbara The eating area by TravelPod member sweetiebarbara Eating room, storage, and door to bathroom by TravelPod member sweetiebarbara Covered area...



Professor Mark Saltzman: This is a course, a version of which I've taught almost every year for the last twenty years and it evolves a little bit every year. I think I get a little bit better...
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[Steve Myers] Ukraine is in the news. You've probably seen some of the reports of the upheaval that's been going on in that part of the world. It's been quite a problem...
[Darris McNeely] Why was Jesus born? We've talked about when He was born in an earlier daily, but let's look at the question why was Jesus born. I think that's an important one...



CASSIE MOGILNER: It seems that there's actually this trend happening in marketing already of really focusing-- for the marketers themselves to really understand what is the role of that brand...
[Darris McNeely] This week's Beyond Today program was entitled, "The Sanctity of Life" and we were dealing with the subject of abortion and a child's right to life in...
[Steve Myers] Engraved in one wall of the Korean War Memorial are these words: "Freedom is not free." It recognizes the fact that service people, people in the military, gave their...