[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi. I'm Stephen P. Anderson. So the single best way to evaluate your current UI, whether it's software, whether it's a web app, mobile app, is just to watch...
Of the three rendering concepts that we are covering, the one that seems to give people the most amount of trouble is Specificity. Usually if I'm helping somebody troubleshoot their CSS, or...
[Jazz music] >>Prof Remington What we have here is a one week workshop for young designers. We come together with approximately 20 young designers and Massimo Vingelli is the Master...
RETO MEIER: Hello, and welcome to "This Week in Android Development" for July 15, 2013. My name is Reto Meier. Last week we saw Ankur Kotwal show us how to make our apps beautiful by...
Traditionally, typography referred to the artful, and physical, arrangement of type. This used to be a specialized profession but today's digital environment makes it easy for graphic...
Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. I'm going to show you how to create your own custom flag waving on a flagpole. I provided two Photoshop files. The first one is the background that...
Folgers marsh is a 17-acre salt marsh that is in very good shape. Salt marshes have a freshwater input and that is exactly where we are. There is a Cattail marsh across the street and where I am...
We're a web design and branding studio located in san diego california. We have over fifty years combined experience in a variety of industries from web development to design to publishing to...
What if a writer is attempting to create a story where nothing much happens? Where people don't change, they don't have any epiphanies. They struggle and are frustrated, and nothing is...