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This year with Alcantara we wanted to set up a multi-sensorial installation We created this kind of forest-like relaxing area These little woody hills made of Alcantara in different shades of green...
luong a an interior designer and work and the mathematical how the german project and i work with to weather and here is that as a machine and i've been focusing on the interior architecture...
Elliot Soloway: If you want to help students learn, they need the technology. Kristin Boyer: I really enjoy working with Professor Soloway, because he wants us to succeed. Vidal Borromeo III: He has a...
go back into the courtroom we have a verdict here comes Judge Nelson see that we're back on the record and I understand that we have a verdict are we ready for the jury to come in we are you...
We are in the newly designed studio, that you have been seeing in the past 11 minutes. But you have not seen everything, which my colleague Steffen Quasebarth will now demonstrate. And a little tip,...
This Just In: How to Get The News BEFORE It's News. I'm John P. Welcome to Geekbeat.TV! If you want to know the news before it's ON the news, we've got more than a...
Let's face it: we disclose a lot of unnecessary information online. You may even know a friend or a colleague who has gotten in trouble at work over their social media posts! At the same time,...
The Boy Scouts of America have introduced a merit badge for game design. The organization acknowledges the valuable social skills that can be learned by playing games with others -- skills such as...
Welcome to this introduction on how you can improve user information and experience with RePoint. We will touch the RePoint Design, News and Employee apps which is supported any device you may have...