Hello everybody. Welcome to A Cooperative Approach to Web Design. With us today is Elliot Harmon from TechSoup Global. As a staff writer at TechSoup, Elliot writes content to educate nonprofits and...
so you have got to have noticed just how many people are now looking at websites through mobile devices in a long gone what was the day when the phone was just the phone now it does everything for you...
Richard: We're behind and lagging in buyers' adoption of mobile devices, and we are discovering some new techniques and some new approaches to really get back in track with mobile....
[ Music ] >> Just like space exploration triggers innovation within the scientific community, accessibility can trigger innovation within the design community. And as we've seen...
PRESENTER: Morning, everybody. We're going to switch gears a little bit here. Is my mike on, everybody can hear me pretty well? Bruce and I are going to nerd it up a little bit and...
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So, this is a quick video to explain what the term 'Responsive Web Design' means for you and the website we build for you. The word 'responsive' simply means that your...
So? right now you're probably wondering what good responsive design welcomed today's were out internet is one of the most important forms a media any and perhaps mostly consumed using...
Now let's say your table needs a footer like if it's displaying information or something like that. And that's really easy too. Or a caption other then a footer. So what we...