and most of the of the things or wants to cruelties of business right it doesn't matter if you really have to be successful at finding business if you don't have a medium a median...
'Lonely' By Kara Mom! ******************** Where are you? In my white memory like a cotton You come down and my teardrops descends Where are you? Are you looking for me to? You are...



Just a little advisory Try to listen to my story Even exhausted'em down But nothing can stop me, my friend Don't be afraid to check this up Your body move and cannot stop So wicked...
We were too dangerous We didn't know any better I'm changing, I'm becoming tired, I shouldn't have loved Everyday is my valentine Everyday, a glamorous festival The...
hi I'm Ian Somerhalder and the the yes this next really purple project is called years at Living Dangerously it's on Showtime couple guys you might know producing and James Cameron...
Blue Lips Lyrics: He stumbled into faith and thought God, there is all there is The pictures in his mind arose And began to breathe And all the gods and all the worlds Began colliding on a backdrop of...
[Verse 1] [Liam] You're insecure, Don't know what for, You're turning heads when you walk through the door, Don't need make-up, To cover up, Being the way that you are...
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My Emaciated Consciousness Sinks Into the Water's Bottom (Shousui Shita Ishiki wa Suitei e Shizumu) I touch my fingers (sono te) To your hand. (furete) I'm filled with (mune wo)...
Again and again, tears flow because of you I'm very hurt So why do I still think of you? Oh~ Once again, I smell you. Once again, I look at your photos I thought of you again~ Very hurt (Hah)...