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The Creative Case really confirmed something which was happening within me anyway. It basically says, start with the art. So the choices that I've made with some of the associates like Akram,...
I see you and I know you see me We go by, our eyes never meet Seems to be an invisible screen You keep your side of the street Just another lost face in the crowd Saying nothing but I'm...
I been wasting all of my time Music is my Mr. Right And I know this love will love me right Confused my mind with ease It's taken over me... ...so happily Happily baby Happily play for me Play...
Maybe a feeling of freedom through my music.... I always try to carry around my fan with me ... when I play my music … I try to make my fan smile... It’s so important for me make them smile. Honestly...
Toddammit! Who does Lady Gaga think she is? A fairy or something, like Tinkerbell? Is that why she's begging for our applause? Last week Lady Gaga released her new single,...
Of course there's retail therapy, but I really wanted to be an actress, and he said, why don't you do what I do? and I said, well what do you do? He said, well I go to the comedy store...
>> 안녕하세요 실크로드에 오신걸 환영합니다 오늘 소개할 곳은 정말 역동적인 곳인데요 >> 전 여러분의 호스트 크리스입니다 오늘 가실 곳은 바로 보령 머드축제입니다! >> 여러분 이제 진흙에 뒹굴 준비 되셨나요? 자 그럼 따라오세요! >> 이 축제에는 세계...
How to do burlesque makeup. So I'm going to first start off with the body. So the body you can put body shimmer. Just highlight the cleavage area. And your shoulders. And your arms. And your...
According to tradition, The Body and Brain Festival takes place every first weekend of August At the beach "Paal 17" on the island Texel. Year after year the festival attracts more...