Maybe a feeling of freedom through my music.... I always try to carry around my fan with me ... when I play my music … I try to make my fan smile... It’s so important for me make them smile. Honestly...
Yo guys, what's going on, it's ya boy DJTLM. You're watching djTLMtv and I'm on the little point &shoot camera right now. I'm going to give you a little...
What's going on everyone, I'm DJ Shy here with Expert Village and I'm going to explain to you about needles. Now needles vary in what they do and cost. So as a DJ if you...
I wear hearing aids and, uh... Got really quite in here for a second. Or did it!? No, no. It did. It did. I heard that. That's why I wear them, guys. They're not just for looks. But,...
Friends, Boys Noize here, and your 60 seconds with me start now. My favorite gig this year was at Bonnaroo Festival in Nashville. It was [bleep] great. A bunch of cowboys. Good stuff. My favorite...
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Hi I'm Chris from Future Music and we're here on Pioneer's stand with Rick and we're going to be looking at the brand new mixer, the DJM-750. >>Yes, so...



Preschool, I got kicked out of preschool. And uh, I can remember preschool, I didn't, school was not fun for me. That's when I decided, this school stuff, I don't like it. And...
The story behind the M1X-DJ, it starts with the passion for music, and passion for sound. I wanted to create a product that is fun to work with. It's something of a DJ controller, DJ mixer and...