and just being good is not good enough. I know you follow the rules and are kind to one and all. You're a model sort of guy and your're standing straight and tall. You're so...
I'm in the middle of the most secretive country on earth and this hotel room is the only place that I can film freely. Within one hundred yards of this room there are families slowly starving...
Hi I'm Carmen Sognonvi, and in this video I'm going to share with you the real reason you're not turning that prospect in to a customer. The answer may surprise you! Has this...
Tim Foresman: It's always tough to live through those introductions, but those were kind words and thank you very much. Is everybody can hear me ok with this? Yes? Thumbs up there. Alright....
MALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for coming. I am very, very pleased to host Dr. Tuttle to speak at Google today. Dr. Tuttle is the author of the number one Amazon bestselling book,...
MICHIEL BACCHIANI: My name is Michiel Bacchiani, I am part of the Google speech team. So we make that microphone button on your Android phone do something. So more specifically, I am a senior staff...