The natural disasters

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In this particular situation, all the communication tools were down. There was not enough information to finalize all those things, but you have to respond to a real critical situation very quickly...
Hi kids and welcome to a Mountain of Hope! Did you know that boys and girls all around the world and here in the United States need your help when a disaster occurs? A disaster like: a hurricane, an...
We are here with Sean Bemrose from Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers. Now Sean I have a question for you regarding the flood studies. How seriously are insurance companies looking into the results where...
>>SPEAKER 1: the ruins of a hotel an incredible moment a girl who cheated death waiting relatives reached for her she couldn't be more than seven or eight years old she spent two...
Mikhail Vinogradov, head of the center for legal and psychological assistance in emergency situations Legal support for victims should be received by the residents who have suffered from the...
You never know what can happen in the world today. Global warming has made natural disasters much more frequent and powerful. Wars are happening everywhere. Virus outbreaks are getting more frequent...
Having been exposed to, or having gone through, several hurricanes, several natural disasters--you know, we also had an oil spill-- was acknowledging that we had to kind of add to our prevention...
Hello YouTube. Welcome back to another episode of Natural Disaster Survival Lets try to survive all four rounds. LETS DO THIS!!! CRAP ACID RAIN! Pro style this thing! Actually Screw that were hiding...